In the first installment of TV Hostage (a totally unique concept that is not based on any segment of any other podcast. Maybe.), Jason gets mean-mad at Vampire High and Parker gives his thoughts on the most British show of all time: Downton Abbey. Does he remain skeptical of the nation of “baby-talkers” or does he end up sipping tea and getting into Monty Python or something? Tune in to find out!
Music: "Me and My Black Metal Friends" by Atom and His Package
And remember! Leave us an iTunes review or rating! Our 100th episode is coming up, so that would be a fun icing on the cake! Also, go join the Pod Awful Channel Facebook group, where you can get news about Pool Party and all the shows on the network (like Pod Awful, Awful Flix and all the rest of the sexy shows).
Thanks for having fun!
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